Doug: Hey this is Doug Sutton on the chief strategy officer with Hypervibe today we’re honored to have a special guest with us Stewart Briggs from acceleration in Australia and Stewart if you could just introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about who you are and about your business.
Stewart: Yeah originally from Australia went to university in Australia and then did my master’s degree in the US were studied in Ohio Bowling Green State University in Ohio did my master’s there and became an assistant strength coach at Bowling Green and a hit strength coach at Drake University came back to Australia in the year 2000 I was the first Australian ever to be a full-time transition coach in the US came back to Australia started a company called acceleration in Australia and we over the space of 8 to 10 years we grew got three training centers now and now we’ve been running for close to 18 years and we’ve got a fantastic number of athletes coming through our centers with vast differences in terms of sports and levels which then gives our coaches vast amounts of experience.
Doug: Wow so what’s the what’s the age range the word that you have in your in your businesses?
Stewart: Yeah a primary target market is around 12 to 18 years of age with the secondary market of younger than that so probably more 8 to 11 and then another secondary market of 19 through your about 40 sort of depends on the 40 is we’ve got some older triathletes that are high level translates at represent country but really it’s more 18 to 30 and we have a lot of a lot of players trying to better semi-professional try and become professional that sort of thing at that level.
Doug: Mm-hmm that’s great so I’m curious how did you first hear about whole body vibration and how are you using you know Hypervibe in your in your business with your athletes?
Stewart: I’ve known about vibration through a fare while but over ten years ago got exposed to Hypervibe and distinctly the reason why I didn’t get into vibration before was the quality of vibration wasn’t high enough that sort of thing whereas I thought Hypervibe was a great combination of high quality engineering about at an affordable price and so we were able to therefore get three Hypervibe at one time because I don’t like my centers being different from each other so we got three Hypervibe at one time and feedback was outstanding from the very beginning so.
Doug: So how do you use it what’s the typical way with your athletes you have them use it before after workouts as part of their workout regimen?
Stewart: We mix it up I had a swimmer yesterday that came in and he’s getting ready for nationals you know swimming it’s really big here in Australia so he’s doing very well but to excite his nervous system before he did his plyometrics his depth jumps I need you excite his nervous system a little bit it’s firm has spent a lot of time in the water at horizontal sort of playing so we I need to really excite these notices so we’re going to hop on the Hypervibe for around about one or two minutes then I then do the set of death jumps after that so it does a great job of exciting the nervous system before during the explosive activities I actually in that case actually I’ve did thirty seconds about vibration then jump 30 seconds of elevation then jump 30 seconds vibration and jump quite a lot of different protocols with the other protocol we’ve done is two minutes before and just do all the sets of death jumps I probably preferred more than 30 seconds on do it 30 seconds on so forth just to avoid any fatigue so that’s more what we do beforehand we’ve also done because we have a Hypervibe we have a G10 I think it’s called a G10 on the core on the basketball court we do that and then sprint and then that sprint so we do a bit of excitation type work with the Hypervibe but I can tell you like the big thing is when we first got a Hypervibe just to you see the research but I like to do anecdotal research so meaning with the staff get together and we did we had athlete she was she was a staff member but she was also an outstanding translated at the time she we tested her ability of her hamstrings and then we got her to stand on the Hypervibe and then retested her and we did two minutes only so we timed it two minutes a Hypervibe a fairly high rate I think it was like 20 Hertz something like that and then we got her we tested her hamstrings and improved 15 degrees and were like holy smokes s just amazing and we I think we kept it at two minutes because we just wanted to see what that would do for an athlete after their training so every athlete that comes through acceleration through our Center they all have like hop on the Hypervibe after their training and we want to be on there for two minutes the premise is that we want them to work really hard when they train for this but we want them to recover really hard as well so we want okay really quickly so they can come back and train really hard again and that’s pretty much the premise behind drugs yet someone can take steroids and they get some benefits from it but really the benefit that steroids apparently is supposed to do is it’s allowed to recover so they could lift weights twice a day and that sort of thing well something with Hypervibe before you can get to use Hypervibe to try and improve obviously legally trying to improve their recovery so that way they can train hard again even at their sport or at acceleration again.
Doug: Wow that’s amazing to hear and it makes complete sense because it does have that relationship because of the blood circulation helps to clear the lactic acid out of the muscles so you have the ability to be able to recover quicker so you can work out more frequently and also prevent injuries.
Stewart: Yeah yeah the other thing I have done to say you know is we’ve actually care the G10 sat up behind the bench at a basketball game and without players that have had an issue that we want to keep loose so yeah instead of just talking about it or having a minor by cuts like that we felt like the vibrations like wants a lot more specific to movement than sitting on a bike so they actually did vibration in between whenever they went to the bench they hopped on the vibration platform to just keep loose and then they get back on the court again so I would use it in that fashion multiple times with good success.
Doug: Wow, have you done any testing Stewart with either speed or strength training either before or after using Hypervibe?
Stewart: We obviously do test retest all the time so we do a lot we have more testing data than anyone else probably in Australia the testing company actually that we use is Swift performance and I have timing gates and so forth may said we test more than anyone in the world so that uses their products but because we use a conglomerate of lots of different things I can’t really tell you whether it was Hypervibe or whatever but Hypervibe is a big part the reason why well here is the thing when we test retest now this virtually it’s a rare occasion for us not to be happy with that test results generally we like to test an athlete about three times a year and we’re consistently seeing the athletes run faster they jump on that stuff so what I mean by that is that you know someone who will put on you know 10 10 to 15 pounds of body weight and still jump you know 3 inches higher still improve their 20 meter sprint which Australia we use a 20 note the 40-yard dash and 0.1 of 0.1 of a second improvement is a good group well we’re consistently seeing that or more all the time Hypervibe is a big part of it now the reason being is because we can have a tiny little eight old kid and I’ll finish session and we go at the end of the first session we’ll go at the end of the sessions you just hope on the Hypervibe put it up to stay there for two minutes and then you finished the guy okay and then they do it and you only ever have to tell them one time you never have to remind them every time, every time so all the kids all the adults like none of them has to be reminded they literally we used to have a sign saying stop maybe you remember to do vibration or whatever we never we don’t even have to have that sign like we don’t have that sign up because they literally everyone that’s finished it’s almost like they take protein at the end of workouts and stuff and sometimes I’ll forget their shaker but I can tell you right now they never forget the vibrations they always do it because you know how like once you know that something feels good I’m going to do that every time and that’s what people do and that’s a real testament to Hypervibe and we know from the anecdotal research and from the actual research itself that it increases range of motion it increases blood flow and that just makes feel but I suppose it just makes people feel better now if it makes people feel better it makes them want to come back again and to me training athletes it’s all about teaching them good habits and if they don’t have good habits they are not going to do well at life that’s the process they you know in athletics they keep talking about the process more so than just the end result so you will get the end result if you follow the process now it’s easy to follow a process if the process makes you feel good Hypervibe makes you feel good so therefore you’re more likely stick to the process you’re more likely to stick to the process and you’re going to get the end result so that’s pretty much you how I see it.
Doug: Wow that’s amazing and I know from my own personal experience especially when I was younger as an athlete and not just me but all my friends I used to train with when I trained at a high level I used to think I didn’t need to stretch or some of those really good habits after working out and this is like either the young ego or whatever it might be where you don’t think you need to do it and you can get by without doing it and sometimes when you’re younger you have that illusion that you can but you know having the Hypervibe to stand on it is it’s it seems like it actually does the work for you if you just show up and get on the machine and I can definitely relate to oh how great I feel after I get on it.
Stewart: It’s funny that two minutes will do that much for you but actually does yeah so this is the recovery part for the stimulation stuff I think it has huge ramifications as well but I think the athlete needs to be at higher levels like I don’t there’s no there’s no real point to us doing the excitation work at the younger age groups when they’re really just learning how to move stuff really it’s more the older athletes that are better and they need something extra to jump higher so that’s the reason why to run faster that’s the reason why we bring that in for the higher level athletes but every single athlete pops on the Hypervibe before they leave.
Doug: Wow that’s amazing yeah and again I certainly honor the fact that there’s a there’s a formula that you have the create success and it has a multitude of different approaches and methodologies depending on the athlete depending on the sport then it sounds like you’ve really mastered that in your craft and that’s part of why you have so many recurring contracts and you’ve had the success that you’ve had up until now and Hypervibe is just a tool that you utilize that is an interval tool but it’s one of many different things that you use to be able to create the results that you do.
Stewart: It’s an important tool and Hypervibe is one distinct difference between outside programs and our Center sessions all want to become into a center to experience that is extra little bit and Hypervibe is very much one of those extra little bits which does really it literally has been proven to work yeah and then for us at the center it’s nice to have something that we know is proven to work and we need to devote X number of minutes to it and it’s doing what we needed to do to get that actually ready to the next session and then it’s really important yeah because otherwise the people won’t come in like they want to come in and train hard or they won’t come in at all if they feel like they’re just completely cooked after every workout they need to feel like I can bounce back and get into their skill session that they’ve got to go to in light of that day or whatever.
Doug: Yeah makes complete sense so on a personal level and you know we’re a little bit older maybe then the traditional athlete that you have coming through I’m sure there’s other benefits you used the Hypervibe for yourself and if so you know obviously there’s injury prevention there’s recovery from a workout what are the benefits you even see for your yourself that also not just the athletes but potentially their parents could be able to benefit from for their own health and well-being.
Stewart: Fine I’ll use it for my warmup before I even get started with my workout then the big thing is I’ll use then use it for recovery as well but I want it depends on if I’ve done use it for warmup I won’t do it to the recovery but for the recovery I’ll typically do 10 minutes if I haven’t done vibrational beforehand and the reason behind that is for bone density because I have like bone density which I even got from osteogenesis imperfecta which is a there’s about four different versions for adults I have the lighter versions at the same time hypotensive use has been bad and I’ve been using Hypervibe and now for a number of years properly and I’m about to go get a DEXA scan to find out what the results are but the last time I have a I did a DEXA scan about a year and a half ago and my advantage he had actually improved which is really good considering I was taking no drugs and so I’m using it to improve my bone density personally.
Doug: Wow, so with the ten minutes what for yourself what frequencies are you usually in when you’re standing on it and is it just standing or are you doing other squats or any other type of exercises for yourself?
Stewart: Yeah good question alright so what our fan is I like to get it up about 20 when I’m trying to do by density so run for usually around a bit between 20 and 24 and then I do vary so I’ll go standing I like to stand with my floss because I’ve seen the DEXA scans and stuff I’ll like it to vibrate up my spine all the way to my skull so I try to stand quite rigid at times but I’ll do a bit of squatting as well but I’m mostly worried about the pelvis hip and spine area so I need the vibration to get a little out there will vary it a little bit but generally I like to stand straight up a lot and then I’ll sit on it as well because I felt like well if I want the car by should get it all this in such a look like just goes straight to the pelvis so I sit on it for usually the last two minutes of the ten minutes this is it yeah sometimes go into a push-up position so I put my hands on it but generally my supposed sustaining because I prefer to just get the vibration going straight up and down my spine yeah.
Doug: I’m about the same and I also do that the planks or push-up positions and I find that that really supports me and any of my upper body workouts just to get the blood circulating through there I know that you know typically if we’re lifting weights or if we’re running we usually only activate about 30 to 40% of our muscle fibers whereas with whole body vibration you’re getting nearly a hundred percent of the muscle fibers that are firing and having circulation go through so it’s very much well both as a warm-up as well as a cooldown and that’s the thing is we’re kind of getting at that age myself and you included where we could almost have kids that are your athletes or students you know and one of the things I’m also passionate about is the support that Hypervibe can have not just for the athlete but also for the parent and you know with strength and conditioning centers with athlete training centers that we have around the world that we’ve been working with we’re also doing our best to help support them in creating additional sources of revenue for their business for their practice and you know one of those being the opportunity to not just have the Hypervibe in their practice to work with their athletes to help them achieve their goals but also to be able to have the parents or other people get on the machine and come in and actually have a demo on it while they’re waiting for their son or daughter who’s working out to be able to get on the Hypervibe for the benefits for themselves and then create a situation where you know each location each business would have their own coupon code and nice collateral materials and brochures that we designed to be able to give to that you could give to your parents where they could take it home and read not only the benefits for their for their athlete but also for the parents themselves because one of the things we look at for Hypervibe and the benefits of full body vibration is it’s much more than just for athletes and you know has a significant impact in as you would mention for yourself with bone density and then also with weight loss and lymphatic system injury recovery and there’s just a whole host of different benefits and we’ve really become the company of choice for a number of the top medical professionals physiotherapists chiropractors around the world that are using Hypervibe for patients with a host of different health conditions so that’s one of the things that you know I’m super really passionate about as a company and what we’re doing to help introduce that so it’s not just the benefit for the athlete but also being able to share it and have an additional source of revenue.
Stewart: Yeah look I think I think products like Hypervibe sort of the way of the future anyway like I think it’s not something that you put inside your body you know it’s not a supplement or anything it’s a something that’s mechanical that is reproducible so it gives the same exact dose I suppose every single time you get on it as long as you follow the same protocol as opposed but at the end of the day like machines like this the way of the future like they’re here today but they are the future like I think gyms will be just forward things like Hypervibe where basically you know you get a certain result from that so instead of a stretching station ascent essentially you’ve been standing out of vibration platform and you get in that and research will show XYZ and people just won’t bother wasting their time on the things at that work you know like so we know it works the research says that the people will feel it that’s all you got to do is just I suppose from our product point of view it’s a critical mass thing and people you know sooner or later they’ll be gyms with you know just like there’s 25 treadmills or whatever in a gym there’ll be 25 Hypervibe one day, it’s a matter of time.
Doug: Yeah and for home use absolutely instead of having a home treadmill or an elliptical that the Hypervibe is so functional because it does so much for the health so thank your investment time today is there anything else this you know while we’re still on that you want to share in terms of just benefits or perspectives about Hypervibe and whole body vibration or your athletes or for anyone else who’s listening right now?
Stewart: For the normal person who can actually stand and walk who isn’t exercising enough it’s getting to the stage where for your own general well-health and well-being to get circulation going and everything, I think it could be that good
Doug: Yeah that’s great I definitely appreciate that perspective and I agree it’s one of the first things I use in the morning and working from home and having a home office and I’m also passionate about we work with a number of companies like Google and other businesses that actually have Hypervibe in their offices for corporate wellness for those employees that are sitting behind a computer for multiple hours a day sitting down staring at a computer monitor and they’re losing circulation and not having their body activated to just be able to get up off of their out of their chair go stay on the machine for a couple minutes change their physiology get their blood flowing and then be able to get back to work it’s just you’ll notice the difference and I know you know that so.
Stewart: Yeah I’ll sit down stand up this I have a desk that I sit down at and then I’ll pop it up and that’s if I can stand up I believe in that but there’s a difference between standing and moving and if you know you have an office space but if you could stand and vibration even for a couple minutes just to use that in intervals if you go to mix of sit down stand-up desk you got vibrating platforms Hypervibe or whatever and you’re trying to just build that health and well-being and just productivity would go through the roof but just you know there’s a lot of unhealthy people out there in the world and you know it could make a big difference to people and really with athletes you know it’s like I said it’s all about habits I don’t like seeing athletes happy and healthy and that sort of stuff after they’ve finished competition they need to build habits that they can use for the rest of their lives and Hypervibe vibration training is I think part of that.
Doug: Yeah that’s great well really appreciate your investment I’m Stewart and yeah well and by the way we’ll have your contact information below here so people can learn more about your about your business and we’ll have a link to your website as well below this video so people can learn more about you and your successful business and how you’re actually creating a positive impact over there in Australia and I know a lot of people here in the United States and around the world are going to be able to benefit from your perspectives here and how you’re working with athletes around the world.
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