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Whole Body Vibration is possiblythe easiest, safest and most practical way
to maintain bone strength.

Having strong bones is important for a number of reasons.

  • Prevention of broken bones in accidents.
  • A source of minerals during times of metabolic stress – if the body becomes too acidic, minerals from bone can reverse the acidity and prevent arterial damage and internal bleeding.
  • Prevention of skeletal deformity – the hunched over appearance seen in the elderly impedes the proper function of spinal nerves which can cause health problems in every part of the body.

You might compare bone density to money in a bank. Diligent people work had to deposit money in their bank while they are young so they’ll have enough to keep them going later in life.

Similarly, bone deposits are made early in life and by about the age of 30 you reach your peak – the strongest your bones will ever be. From that point forward your bone bank is constantly losing bone. For women, the rate of decline in bone density increases as they approach 50 years of age.

It makes sense then to:

  • Build as much as you can while you are young
  • Preserve as much as you can when you are older

  • The Fastest Way To Lose Bone

    When scientists want to investigate bone loss, rather than waiting an entire lifetime for changes to take place they can speed up the rate of bone loss by having the test subjects lie in bed. This is also how they test the effects of zero gravity on Astronauts without actually having to go into space.

    The reason why bed rest speeds up bone loss is lack of GRAVITY working vertically through their legs and spine the way it does while standing. In 8 weeks of bed rest a young healthy person can lose as much bone as a post-menopausal old woman loses in an entire year (~3%).2 Returning them to normal gravity results in recovery of bone density.3 Weight-bearing physical activity is the primary way your body keeps bones strong.

    Compared to the remaining population, retirement age people spend the most time watching TV and the least amount of time on their feet thus reducing their stimulus from gravity;4 a recipe for bone loss. If that’s you, attempting the physical activities of your youth may increase the chance of falling and breaking bones – the very thing you need to prevent. Thankfully there is a better way.

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  • Vibration Training makes bones stronger – safely

    If a deficiency of gravity weakens bone, could additional gravity strengthen bone? According to the research – yes it can.3 A Whole Body Vibration platform accelerates you upwards. You feel this as a force named G-force where ´G’ stands for ´Gravity’. Thus it exposes your body to increased Gravity.

    Unlike running, jumping, cycling or lifting weights – most of your time in Vibration training is spent standing still holding onto support bars which reduces the chance of falling practically to zero making it a very safe form of physical activity.6,7,8

    How does Vibration Training
    increase bone strength?

    Bones become stronger when exposed to sufficient mechanical stress. Owing to the muscle contractions and G-force caused by a vibration machine Whole Body Vibration has been shown to provide this kind of strength-inducing stress on bone.9 Additionally, Vibration Training has been shown to simultaneously increase circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid. Loading bones while forcing more fluid10 through them will increase their strength.

    A third way that Vibration Training may increase bone strength is by increasing Growth Hormone levels. Growth Hormone is known to increase bone density; though while it has been shown that brief bouts of high G-force Vibration Training can significantly increase Growth Hormone levels,11 vibration-induced Growth Hormone effects on bone have not been investigated.

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  • Who can strengthen bones with Vibration Training?

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    I was determined to deal with my bone density issues safely and naturally so I turned to vibration training. After 2 years of Hypervibe my bone density increased 8.3% – I was astonished.

    BSNY TV Show, USA

    The research shows that those with the lowest bone density stand to gain the most. Consider some Chinese research on post-menopausal women with osteoporosis.5

    After 6 months, compared to the control group (no exercise) who lost 1.8% of their bone mass, those in the Vibration Training group actually ended up with 5.6% more bone. Less than 10- minutes a day of ´standing still’ had restored almost 2 years worth of bone density.

    In other words, every day of Vibration Training preserved 5 days worth of bone density with:

    • No risk of injury
    • No side effects
    • Very little time
    • Very little effort

    What if your vibration machine cannot produce high G-force vibration? See the Whole Body Vibration Buyers Guide to learn which vibration machines are capable of producing 9G or more.

    You will be surprised how many cannot.

    Whole Body Vibration Buyers Guide – 41 Vibration Machines Tested

    Only 9 of 41 passed all the tests and could produce the level of vibration responsible for the most impressive research results. Hypervibe was the only machine for under $3000 to make it into the top 9. The average output of all machines under $3000 is 4G. Hypervibe can produce up to 17G.

  • Start your transformation now!

    This is something you don’t want to put off, the benefits are too great and the effort required is so little. If you would like to increase your bone density in a way that:

    • Is safe, fast and easy5,8,13
    • Can be done at home
    • Feels good14
    • Has no significant negative side effects5,6,7,8

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    Effective at preventing bone loss This (high G-force vibration) training2 is up to now the most successful and effective method to prevent muscle and bone loss in long term space missions.

    Professor Dieter Felsenberg
    -European Space Agency

  • References

    • Gusi N. Low-frequency vibratory exercise reduces the risk of bone fracture more than walking: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2006; 7: 92.
    • Bosco Rubin C. Prevention of postmenopausal bone loss by a low-magnitude, high-frequency mechanical stimuli: a clinical trial assessing compliance, efficacy, and safety. J Bone Miner Res. 2004 Mar;19(3):343-51
    • Rittweger J. Prevention of bone loss during 56 days of strict bed rest by side-alternating resistive vibration exercise. Bone. 2010 Jan;46(1):137-47
    • Australian Health Survey: Physical Activity, 2011-12; Australian Bureau of Statistics July 19, 2013
    • Ruan XY. Effects of vibration therapy on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Chin Med J (Engl). 2008 Jul 5;121(13):1155-8
    • Rohlmann A. In vivo measurements of the effect of whole body vibration on spinal loads. Eur Spine J. 2014 Mar;23(3):666-72.
    • Cardinale M. Whole body vibration exercise: are vibrations good for you? Br J Sports Med. 2005 Sep;39(9):585-9
    • Zhang L, ‘Effect of whole-body vibration exercise on mobility,balance ability and general health status in frail elderly patients: a pilot randomized controlled trial.’ Clin Rehabil. 2013 Jul 17
    • Torvinen S. Effect of whole body vibration on muscular performance, balance and bone. Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tampere, 2003 Feb.
    • Stewart JM, Karman C, Montgomery LD, McLeod KJ. Plantar vibration improves leg fluid flow in perimenopausal women. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2005 Mar;288(3):R623-9
    • Bosco C. Hormonal responses to whole-body vibration in men. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2000 Apr; 81(6):449-54
    • Torvinen S. Effect of 8-month vertical whole body vibration on bone, muscle performance, and body balance: a randomized controlled study. J Bone Miner Res. 2003 May;18(5):876-84
    • Delecluse C, Roelants M, Verschueren S. 2003. Strength increase after whole-body vibration compared with resistance training, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 35(6), 1033-41.
    • R. Acute Exercise In Vietnam Veterans Is Associated With Positive Subjective Experiences. Int J Exerc Sci 3(1): 36-42, 2010.
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