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Infusion for Osteoporosis: What Is Right for You?

14th September 2022
infusion for osteoporosis

Living with a chronic health condition impacts a great number of facets of your life, including the fact that living with chronic pain can be incapacitating, the fact that your newfound fragility makes it difficult to engage in your typical activities, and the fact that the reality of the situation can be emotionally draining.

This can be the case with conditions such as osteoporosis. And despite the fact that there are oral drugs that can assist in increasing bone density, some individuals have not received the anticipated alleviation from using these prescriptions.

Osteoporosis is a disorder that causes your bones to become brittle and weak, to the point where even a small bump or even coughing may cause them to break. This can happen because your bones become so fragile as a result of the disease.

The hip, the spine, and the wrists are the most common locations for fractures. A significant number of hip fractures occur as a result of falls sustained by elderly people. Because of this, the process of rehabilitation is slowed down and drawn out, and it frequently results in lifelong disability.

If the fractures are located in the spine, you may develop a stooped posture, endure a loss of height, and have persistent back pain. In addition, the presence of certain underlying medical disorders, such as hyperthyroidism or kidney illness, may accelerate the process of bone resorption.

Is infusion good for osteoporosis?

Bisphosphonates are a type of medication that is used to treat osteoporosis. These drugs are specifically formulated to reduce the rate of bone loss while also increasing bone mass. The Food and Drug Administration has given its blessing to the use of two different infusion bisphosphonates for the treatment of osteoporosis:

  • BONIVA (ibandronate)
  • Reclast (zoledronic acid)

Individuals who have tried oral medications without success, as well as patients whose underlying medical condition makes it difficult for them to swallow a tablet, may benefit greatly from any of these options. They are both good alternatives to oral medications. Infusion for osteoporosis, on the other hand, will not cause an upset stomach, which is a common adverse effect of oral drugs used to treat osteoporosis.

Tablets, on the other hand, will cause an upset stomach. Instead of needing to remember to take weekly tablets, infusion for osteoporosis allows treatment to be arranged on a quarterly (with Boniva) or yearly (with Reclast) basis, which is an additional advantage of this treatment method.

Vibration therapy for osteoporosis can be effective in relieving the discomfort that is caused by osteoporosis, in addition to increasing overall physical fitness. enhancing one’s muscular strength, neuromuscular coordination, and balance, hence decreasing the likelihood of experiencing a fall, which can frequently lead to fractures. The research done by Iwamoto et al. is really interesting.

What are the side effects of infusions for osteoporosis?

Infusion for osteoporosis carries the same risk of adverse effects as any other form of medical treatment, the majority of which are comparable to those caused by the flu, such as feeling exhausted and experiencing muscle aches, fever, chills, and diarrhea.

There is also the possibility that you will suffer from joint discomfort, headaches, urinary tract infections, or infections at the place where the IV was inserted. Furthermore, there is also the possibility that the IV will get detached from your arm.

The infusion for osteoporosis should always be monitored by a competent medical expert, as this is standard procedure at Infusion Associates. This is the most effective method for reducing the possibility of these dangers occurring.

It is important to keep in mind that it is possible for side effects to appear up to three days after the infusion treatment has been administered. If this is the case, you should consult your physician as soon as you can, particularly if you have any of the more significant adverse effects, such as feeling lightheaded or confused, having tightness in the chest, or having trouble breathing.

How does infusion for osteoporosis work?

infusion for osteoporosis

When you first come to one of the locations for infusion for osteoporosis, you will have a consultation with one of the qualified medical professionals about your medicine. During this appointment, you will go over the length of time required for each infusion therapy as well as the potential adverse effects.

You will also get the opportunity to address any questions or concerns that you may have at this time. You will notice right away that one of our top priorities here at Infusion Associates is to make sure that each and every one of our guests feels as welcomed and as easy as is humanly possible.

This indicates that there will be comfortable reclining chairs, blankets, televisions, Wi-Fi, as well as beverages such as coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. You are also welcome to bring your own beverages and snacks, if that better suits your needs.

What are the side effects of Reclast infusion?

infusion for osteoporosis

In the event that you have an allergy to zoledronic acid, you should not undergo treatment with it.

You should also not receive Reclast if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Hypocalcemia is a condition in which the blood does not have enough calcium;
  • Severe kidney disease is another cause.

It is not recommended that you receive infusion for osteoporosis with zoledronic acid if you are already taking another type of bisphosphonate (such as alendronate, etidronate, ibandronate, pamidronate, risedronate, or tiludronate).

Please let your doctor know if you have ever been diagnosed with:

  • Having kidney disease
  • Hypocalcemia
  • Having thyroid or parathyroid surgery
  • Having surgery to remove part of your intestine
  • Having asthma brought on by taking aspirin
  • Having any condition that makes it difficult for your body to absorb nutrients from food (malabsorption)
  • Having a dental problem (you may need a dental exam before you receive zoledronic acid)
  • Being dehydrated, or taking a diuretic or “water pill” are all reasons why you should not receive zoledronic acid.

Zoledronic acid can cause severe kidney issues, particularly if the person taking it is already suffering from kidney disease, is dehydrated, or is taking treatment that causes them to urinate more frequently.

There is a possibility that this medication will induce jaw bone issues (osteonecrosis). People who have cancer, blood cell diseases, pre-existing dental problems, or who are being treated with steroids, chemotherapy, or radiation have an increased chance of developing periodontitis. Talk to your primary care physician about your individual risk.

Before beginning this treatment, infusion for osteoporosis, it is recommended that you get a pregnancy test that comes back negative.

Do not use it if you are pregnant. It is possible for this medication to cause birth abnormalities or other problems in an unborn child. After finishing your last dose, zoledronic acid may linger in your body for several weeks or even years.

While you are taking this medication, it is imperative that you practice reliable birth control in order to avoid becoming pregnant. After you have finished taking zoledronic acid, you should discuss the necessity to take birth control with your attending physician.

This drug may have an effect on a woman’s fertility, or her ability to have children. However, because zoledronic acid can be harmful to an unborn child, it is critical to make use of birth control methods in order to avoid becoming pregnant.

If you are using zoledronic acid, you should not breastfeed your child.


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