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Relief Came In Minutes
And All They Had To Do Was Stand There

When vibration is added to traditional therapies results come faster, easier and last longer.2 Examples…

You’ve heard it said before, “the magic pill” for overcoming many physical problems is… exercise but what do you do when there’s rain or knee-deep snow outside, you’re lacking motivation, are injured or have physical limitations that prevent you from going running, riding or hitting the gym?

Or perhaps you´re a health practitioner and you know that getting your patients to exercise would dramatically improve the effectiveness and longevity of your treatment for them but… they simply won’t do it unless it´s really quick, really easy and right there in front of them – and even then, they just won’t exercise with enough intensity to produce worthwhile results.

If you relate to either of these situations, keep reading to discover why Hypervibe Vibration Training safely offers a fast and effective solution to many such problems. Consider an example…

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I like using it when I’m feeling sore. When I get off the machine I’m not sore any more. It has restored my circulation and is helping my joints…

  • The simple 3-minute technique

    The simple 3-minute technique that increased Hamstring flexibility by 58% – without doing any stretching

    In this experiment subjects stood on a high powered vibration machine producing 17G of G-force. Each vibration session lasted only 3 minutes and there were only 3 sessions per week.7 After 6 weeks they had done less than an hour of vibration in total and yet…

    • their hamstring flexibility had improved 58%
    • they did not stretch their Hamstrings once during the 6 weeks
    • their improvement was equal to doing 63 minutes of advanced stretching
    • their result lasted longer than the advanced stretching group

    Again – the secret of sucess was the high G-force of 17G used to stimulate the patients. In a similar experiment8 they reduced G-force by a factor of 8 so they were only using 2G and their results also reduced by a factor of 8 – they could only achieve an 8% improvement.

  • Spend wisely

    Spend wisely, choose a machine that can do more than just massage

    There are over a hundred vibration machines to choose from with prices that range from $200 to $20,000 – and – they all claim to offer the same benefits.

    What you´re not told, is most machines are so low powered what they produce is best described as gentle massage. These massage machines are relaxing but don´t tone muscle, increase flexibility, strengthen bones or boost energy; consequently the research on vibration is full of “it did not work” results.9

    On the other hand there are literally hundreds of “it did work” research papers and the common theme is: the vibration used was high intensity. If you think about it, you already know the same is true about regular exercise in a gym. There are people who waste hours and hours working out with tiny weights and pointless exercises that require no effort – and – provide no visible benefits.

    Hypervibe can produce up to 17G of G-force

    While it takes high intensity to get big results with little time, it doesn´t have to take big effort; a Hypervibe machine has the power to provide the effort for you. In fact, independent tests show that Hypervibe provides 4 times more stimulation than the industry average and is the world´s most affordably priced high-performance vibration machine. You save time and money with Hypervibe.

  • Introducing Hypervibe Whole Body Vibration

    As you have probably guessed, exercise plays a crucial role in attaining all of those benefits and preventing the kind of problems you´d prefer not to think about.

    However, when most people reach retirement age, joining all the 20 year olds at the local gym isn´t an option. Still, you need to exercise with sufficient intensity if you want to strengthen muscles and bones, improve balance and have more energy. This is where Hypervibe comes to your rescue.

    High Intensity Results With Low Intensity Effort

    Hypervibe Whole Body Vibration safely and comfortably delivers stimulation to your body that:

    • Feels good – this is the first key to why people tell us they are more inclined to do Hypervibe than any other kind of exercise 11
    • Only requires a few minutes to be effective – this is the second key; depending on the goal your Hypervibe workout may only require a few minutes a day.12
    • Doesn’t require much movement – a lot of your time is spent being still while the machine works on your muscles, circulation and body fat. In some cases this will allow you to continue training even while injured.13,14
    • Is safer than other forms of exercise – you don’t have to leave home, lift weights, run or jump around which eliminates the main risk factors for injury.15,16,17
    • Doesn’t leave you feeling even more tired – because Hypervibe requires such little time and effort it can strongly stimulate muscles, bones and circulation without straining your heart. So it doesn’t drain your energy like other forms of exercise.18
  • How Hypervibe Works

    The vibrating platform moves you up and down, a few millimetres at a time with carying speeds. As it does this there are three main effects on your body.

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      1. Increased GravityAs the platform rises, your body is accelerated upwards. You feel this as a force named G-force where ´G´ stands for ´Gravity´. In other words the machine exposes your body to increased Gravity.

      One way your body responds to increased Gravity is by increasing muscle strength and tone.19 Israeli researchers20 showed this when they had subjects do 2 minutes of vibration exercise with 23G of Gravity (23 times Earth´s Gravity) three times a week and compared that to a control group doing the same exercises without vibration. After 3 weeks the control group increased strength by 16% – the vibration exercise group increased strength by an incredible 49.8%

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      2. Rhythmic MovementThe rapid up/down movement with a subsequent increase/decrease of G-force creates waves of movement through the soft tissues of your body. In slow motion you can actually see the skin and muscles ripple like water. This ripple spreads from the point of contact throughout the body.

      This increases the flow6 of fluids like blood and lymph which speeds up recovery while helping to keep swelling under control. As these fluids vibrate, heat is generated which quickly warms up your joints and muscles21 making movement easier and more comfortable; similar to having a massage

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      3. Muscle ReflexesThe platform movement causes repetitive bending and straightening of your joints. As the muscles attached to them quickly stretch it results in strong reflex muscle contractions.22 You´ve seen this happen when someone taps below your knee cap causing your leg to jerk forward.

      The heightened nerve and muscle activity results in a number of benefits such as:

      • Increased muscle power – power is the ability to generate force quickly and is essential for sports involving sprinting, jumping or power lifting events like Strongman and Cross Fit. The rapid muscle contractions created by vibration training develop increased muscle power. Less time training means more time eating and recovering.2
      • Reduced warm-up time – exercising muscles burn up fats and sugars releasing heat. This increase in heat makes movement more comfortable and reduces risk of injury. A good preparation for other activities that can be done quickly.20
      • Reduced warm-up time – exercising muscles burn up fats and sugars releasing heat. This increase in heat makes movement more comfortable and reduces risk of injury. A good preparation for other activities that can be done quickly.20
      • Increased energy – regularly making the muscles do work increases metabolism and stimulates brain activity associated with feeling good. The result is that you not only feel more energetic, you have more energy to do the things you want.18
      • Stronger bones – the combination of increased muscle force pulling on bones with the increase in lymph and blood flowing through them results in bones becoming stronger.23
      • Better agility – vibration training is well known for increasing balance which when combined with more muscle power makes you more agile.18
      • Improved flexibility – 18 sessions of vibration training with 17G resulted in a 58% increase in hamstring flexibility.24 Each session took only 3 minutes.
  • Answers to questions you may have

    • I have a recent injury that is still painful, could I still use the machine?
      Unless your injury is a broken bone, in many cases you can still perform Vibration exercise. It allows you to stimulate muscles, circulation and lymphatic drainage without moving your joints excessively ie. remain in a comfortable position while the machine works on your body.
    • Once I have it, how will I know how to use it with patients?
      We provide you with access to our support site including video examples and demonstrations of the therapeutic applications. We also have a network of professionals like yourself that are already experienced with Whole Body Vibration that could provide additional support.
    • I intend to use the machine in my clinic – is there a chance it will break?
      The machine comes with a 1-year on-site warranty for light commercial use and will handle a 180kg (397lb) person using the machine at full power 2 or 3 times a week. Additionally we have a service centre in your country if parts are needed.
    • What if I want the machine but can’t afford it right now?
      Depending on which Hypervibe dealer you buy from you may qualify for interest-free finance meaning you get the machine delivered to you right away then have many months in which to pay off the value of the machine and any fees that the finance company may charge.
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    Do you have a question for us?

    If you have any other questions or need some help placing your order, our friendly support staff are waiting to help you today.

  • Start your transformation now!

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    Click here to be taken to our order page. This is something you don’t want to put off, the benefits are too great and the effort required is so little. Take advantage of this technology and let it work for you.

    Just like the others on this page who said YES to Hypervibe you can expect the same great service they received, the same ongoing support and guidance they receive and the same benefits they continue to receive like:

    • Better posture23
    • Stronger muscles4
    • Less Discomfort2
    • Stronger bones21
    • Being more agile4
    • Improved flexibility and ease of movement11
    • Relieving and reviving your lower back2
  • References

    • Kessler NJ. Whole body vibration therapy for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a pilot study. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2013 Oct;17(4):518-22.
    • Rittweger J. Treatment of chronic lower back pain with lumbar extension and whole-body vibration exercise: a randomized controlled trial. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2002 Sep 1;27(17): 1829-34
    • Park YG. Therapeutic Effect of Whole Body Vibration on Chronic Knee Osteoarthritis. Ann Rehabil Med. 2013 Aug;37(4):505-15.
    • Sealey R, ‘Effects of Exercise Interventions on Physical Condition and Health of Vietnam Veterans.’ International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, August 2011, Vol 18, No. 8.
    • Stewart JM. Plantar vibration improves leg fluid flow in perimenopausal women. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2005 Mar;288(3):R623-9
    • Haas CT. The effects of random whole-body-vibration on motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease NeuroRehabilitation. 2006;21(1):29-36.
    • Dastmenash S. The effect of whole body vibration, PNF training or a combination of both on hamstrings range of motion. World Applied Sciences Journal 2010; 11(6): 744-751
    • Ferguson SL. Comparing the effects of 3 weeks of upper-body vibration training, vibration and stretching, and stretching alone on shoulder flexibility in college-aged men. J Strength Cond Res. 2013 Dec;27(12):3329-34
    • Boggild M. Whole body vibration failed to improve postmenopausal muscle density. Poster presentation – American Society for Bone and Mineral Research October 4-7 2013
    • Sealy R. Acute Exercise In Vietnam Veterans Is Associated With Positive Subjective Experiences. Int J Exerc Sci 3(1): 36-42, 2010.
    • van den Tillaar R. Will whole-body vibration training help increase the range of motion of the hamstrings? J Strength Cond Res. 2006 Feb;20(1):192-6.
    • Delecluse C, Roelants M, Verschueren S. 2003. Strength increase after whole-body vibration compared with resistance training, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 35(6), 1033-41.
    • Sanudo. Whole body vibration training improves leg blood flow and adiposity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus -. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013 Sep;113(9):2245-52.
    • Rohlmann A. In vivo measurements of the effect of whole body vibration on spinal loads. Eur Spine J. 2014 Mar;23(3):666-72.
    • Cardinale M. Whole body vibration exercise: are vibrations good for you? Br J Sports Med. 2005 Sep;39(9):585-9
    • Zhang L, ‘Effect of whole-body vibration exercise on mobility,balance ability and general health status in frail elderly patients: a pilot randomized controlled trial.’ Clin Rehabil. 2013 Jul 17
    • Bosco C. The Influence of Whole-Body Vibration on the Mechanical Behaviour of Skeletal Muscle; Clinical Physiology, 1999; 19: 183-187
    • Issurin VB. Effect of vibratory stimulation training on maximal force and flexibility. J Sports Sci. 1994 Dec;12(6):561-6
    • Cochrane, D. The Effect of Acute Lower-Body Vibration Exercise on the Rate of Muscle Temperature Increase. European Journal of Applied Physiology (2008):103, 441-448
    • Cochrane DJ. Changes in joint angle, muscle-tendon complex length, muscle contractile tissue displacement, and modulation of EMG activity during acute whole-body vibration. Muscle Nerve. 2009 Sep;40(3):420-9
    • Ruan XY. Effects of vibration therapy on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Chin Med J (Engl). 2008 Jul 5;121(13):1155-8
    • Rittweger J. Vibration as an exercise modality: how it may work, and what its potential might be. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010 Mar;108(5):877-904.
    • Fontana TL. The effect of weight-bearing exercise with low frequency, whole body vibration on lumbosacral proprioception: a pilot study on normal subjects. Aust J Physiother. 2005;51(4):259-63

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