1 – Greater Frequency Range

Frequency refers to the number of times per second the platform travels up and down through 1 complete cycle of movement. Research has shown that different vibration frequencies have different effects on the way forces are transmitted to the body. While the Confidence Fitness machine does not advertise their frequency settings, this machine comes from a family of machines known as the “Crazy Fit” and numerous engineering tests have shown that they produce a maximum frequency of 15Hz or less, whereas more than 90% of the 800+ studies on Whole Body Vibration research use frequency higher than this. If you want to achieve the scientific proven benefits of Whole Body Vibration, it is important the machine you purchase is capable of operating at the same settings used in the scientific research. Scientists have noted that insufficient vibration frequency could be the reason for failed outcomes.
Frequency Range |
Confidence Fitness | 3-15Hz |
Hypervibe G10 Mini | 5-25Hz |
Hypervibe G14 Home | 5-30Hz |
Hypervibe G17 Pro | 5-35Hz |

Why is the frequency range of a machine so important?
Watch the video

- Using Whole Body Vibration in Physical Therapy and Sport, 1st Edition, Clinical practice and treatment exercises.
2 – Frequency Displayed

As we already discussed, frequency is an important factor in Whole Body Vibration, it is used to control different effects and benefits. For example, 6 to 8Hz is best suited for balance, 10 to 12Hz is best suited for relaxation, and 20-45Hz is best suited for training. With this being said, when you use a vibration machine it is important that you get a frequency reading from your machine so that you can target the benefits you are wanting to achieve.
The Confidence Fitness and many others like it, don’t give you any indication of the frequency setting on the control panel, instead the machine displays a range of speed levels from 1 to 50 that don’t really give you any idea of what frequency the machine is operating at.
3 – More G Force

G force refers to the intensity of the vibration, the more G force placed onto the body, the greater the body responds to that force. While the Confidence Fitness machine does not advertise their G force specification, this machine comes from a family of machines known as the “Crazy Fit” and numerous engineering tests have shown that they produce a maximum frequency of 5g or less, whereas Hypervibe machines can be controlled to produce very low G force like the Confidence Fitness, or much higher levels of 10g or higher, depending on the model.
The same story repeats again when comparing Confidence Fitness to brands that have been heavily researched.
Confidence Fitness | Up to 3.5g |
Hypervibe G10 Mini | Up to 10g |
Hypervibe G14 Home | Up to 14g |
Hypervibe G17 Pro | Up to 17g |
Why is the G force range of a machine so important?
Watch the video

- Marín PJ A comparison of training intensity between whole-body vibration and conventional squat exercise. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2011 Aug;21(4):616-21
- Lienhard K Relationship Between Lower Limb Muscle Activity and Platform Acceleration During Whole Body Vibration. J Strength Cond Res. 2015 Oct;29(10):2844-53.
- Raphael Z. Occurrence of fatigue induced by a whole body vibration session is not frequency dependent. J Strength Cond Res. 2013 Sep;27(9):2552-61
4 – Bigger Warranty

At this point, you might be wondering, what good is a warranty if a product is underpowered?
Well, some are interested in this, so here is how the Confidence Fitness warranty stacks up against the Hypervibe warranty.
Confidence Fitness | 6 Months |
Hypervibe | 2 Years Labour 5 Years Parts 10 Years Motor |
5 – Clinically Supported

When a company make claims that their product is supported by scientific evidence, it would not be unreasonable to expect such evidence can be provided. There are over 800 scientific studies on Whole Body Vibration, dating back over 20 years, however, not a single one of those studies was performed on the Confidence Fitness machine.
You might think, well it doesn’t really matter what brand of machine was studied, what really matters is that there is scientific proof that Whole Body Vibration works, right?
Well no, when scientists conduct a study, there are many factors they choose which can cause a study to be successful or a study to fail. In Whole Body Vibration research, such factors include, how many times per week they use the machine, what exercises will be performed on the machine, how long each exercise will be performed for, and importantly what vibration settings will be used. If the vibration levels are too low, the forces placed onto the body can be too low to cause any benefits, alternatively, studies have shown that as forces are increased, the response from the body increases. Therefore, if a machine has not been used in scientific research, it is important to make review studies to make sure that the alternative product can produce the same levels of vibration used in the research.
HypervibePeer reviewed studies using Hypervibe equipment, able to produce vibration levels used in majority of the research.
Confidence FitnessNo peer reviewed studies using Confidence Fitness equipment, unable to produce vibration levels used in majority of the research.
Watch the video to find out more
- Pel JJ. Platform accelerations of three different wbv devices and the transmission of vertical vibrations to the lower limbs. Med Eng Phys. 2009 Oct;31(8):937-44.
- Alstom MSC. Vibration Test Report. 1st July & 13th September 2010.
- Proviso Systems Limited. Vibration Analysis Report. Report Date: 10th February 2017
- Sealy RM. — Effects of exercise interventions on physical condition and health of Vietnam Veterans. Intl J Ther Rehab, August 2011, Vol 18, No. 8.
- Sealy RM. Acute Exercise in Vietnam Veterans is Associated with Positive Subjective Experiences.
- Jones A. The Effect of a Single Session of Whole Body Vibration on Mobility, Lower Limb Joint. Position Sense and Balance of Community Dwelling Older Adults. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. July 2013. Volume 11 Number 3.