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Meet Our September Feel Better Community Partners – Canada

Written by: stefanie, Published on: 2013 September 25

Have you heard about our Feel Better Community?

It’s a growing movement aimed at helping you find all the information you need to live a long, healthy, full life–without wondering if the info you’ve found is trustworthy.

We research health and wellness professionals and influencers to make sure they are providing safe, sound advice to their clients. When we find people who make the grade, we invite them to be one of our trusted Feel Better Community partners and we feature them here on the blog.

For more information on the Feel Better Community, and how you can be a part, click the Feel Better Community badge to the right, or read our blog post for all the details.


Sara Goguen, author of the mental health blog, Saratonin

Meet Our September Feel Better Community Partners - Canada 2

Sara Goguen is a 20-something East Coast Canadian gal who works a Monday-Friday 9 to4 job and is a mental health advocate 24 hours a day.

She started her blog, Saratonin, at the tail-end of her first short-term disability leave from her job, due to her mental health. During her leave, not only did Sara focus 100% on getting the help she needed, she realized how important a mental health conversation needed to be started. Lives could be saved – and all it could take is someone to talk about it.

After 12 years of masking her depression, Sara opened up to friends and family about her struggles. Although nervous, she quickly learned of all the love and support surrounding her.

It is her hope that by sharing her story she may inspire another person to start talking!

Suzi Fevens, Certified Fitness Instructor and Fitness Blogger

Suzi Fevens is a certified fitness & licensed Zumba instructor and the blogger behind Confessions of a Fitness Instructor where she writes about her life as a fitness instructor who loves cupcakes and pizza and just happens to have fibromyalgia.

On her blog, Suzi says,

Being healthy isn’t about being perfect. Nobody on this Earth is perfect, and the more time we spend trying to pretend we are, the more of our lives we are wasting.

I don’t believe there is one type of eating plan that will work for everybody.  I don’t think that there is one type of exercise or fitness class that will change the life of everyone who takes it.

I encourage people to find the type of eating plan that best works for you, and finding forms of exercising that you love, not what I tell you I think will work best.

Quite the social media enthusiast, Suzi can be found online at her blog, on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube.

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