According to research8, exercise causes increases in Growth Hormone only when the exercise intensity exceeds a certain threshold. In a similar experiment9, when the intensity of vibration was reduced to 1G, no change in Growth Hormone, Testosterone or Cortisol occurred even when the duration of exercise was doubled.
Spend wisely, choose a machine that can do more than just massage
There are over a hundred vibration machines to choose from with prices that range from $200 to $20,000 – and – they all claim to offer the same benefits.
What you’re not told, is most machines are so low powered what they produce is best described as gentle massage. These massage machines are relaxing but don’t tone muscle, burn fat, strengthen bones or boost energy; consequently the research on vibration is full of “it did not work” results.10
On the other hand there are literally hundreds of “it did work” research papers and the common theme is: the vibration used was high intensity. If you think about it, you already know the same is true about regular exercise in a gym. There are people who waste hours and hours working out with tiny weights and pointless exercises that require no effort – and – provide no visible benefits.
Hypervibe can produce up to 17G of G-force
While it takes high intensity to get big results with little time, it doesn’t have to take big effort; a Hypervibe machine has the power to provide the effort for out. In fact, independent tests show that Hypervibe provides 4 times more stimulation than the industry average and is the world’s most affordably priced high-performance vibration machine. Hypervibe will save you time and money.