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Blog - Rehabilitation, Recovery & Therapy

Showing 2 to 6 of 51 Posts
blood circulation machine for legs and feet

Can Foot Circulation Machines Help Swelling?

Swollen ankles and feet are a common condition of the 21st century. Increased levels of stress, long hours in front of the computer, unhealthy eating,...

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Osteoporosis causes, symptoms and available treatments

Osteoporosis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Just like other organs inside our bodies, bones are living tissues, so they grow, break down, are replaced and regenerate throughout our lives. In children...

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Vibration machine training can increase lumbar bone density in women

Vibration Machine Training Can Increase Lumbar Bone Density in Women

The peak bone mass and size are achieved around the age of 20 years, but after this age the bone turnover becomes slower, and the...

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New study: effects of WBV in multiple scelerosis patients

New Study: WBV and Multiple Sclerosis Outcomes

Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system, which occurs when the myelin sheaths of the nerve fibers is damaged. It attacks the...

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Vibration Training Improves Exercise Capacity in COPD Patients

Vibration Training Improves Exercise Capacity in COPD Patients

COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease appears when the bronchial tubes become inflamed and narrower than normal, and mucus accumulates inside them, making it difficult...

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New Studies on WBV Applications in Diabetes and COPD Patients

In a previous article, we've shown that whole body vibration was found to improve exercise capacity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a condition...

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