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Whole Body Vibration Recovery Workout

Written by: Hypervibe Team, Published on: November 28, 2014

After an intense WBV workout session, your muscles may feel sore and painful for a couple of days, especially if you’re a beginner or you’re not used with vibration training yet. However, one of the great advantages of a whole body vibration machine is that it can be used not only for training but also for recovery purposes.

A WBV platform does a great job in relaxing and massaging the tired muscles, so if you’re too tired for another workout, it’s enough to stand or sit with the sore body areas on the platform and let it exert its beneficial action.

The recovery program is nothing but an easier workout or a massage session, which uses a lower frequency and intensity. Surely you can replace this with a light jogging session or simply with brisk walking, but if you prefer indoor workouts, a WBV recovery routine may just what you need.

For all these positions, use a frequency of 6-12 Hz and an amplitude of #0-2 for low intensity, or an amplitude of #2-4 and the same frequency range, for medium intensity.

1. Shoulder massage

To relax your shoulders and arms, kneel in front of the machine and place your palms on the platform, as shown in the picture. Engage the core and keep the elbows bent, allowing for the machine to relax your sore shoulders. Maintain the position for 1 minute.

shoulder massage

2. Cervical massage

From the initial position, bend the elbows and place them on the platform, keeping the core engaged and the head in line with the spine. This position is good for relaxing the cervical muscles and the upper back muscles. Maintain for 1 minute.

c & t massage

3. Hamstrings massage

This position is good for relaxing the hamstrings and easing the cramps, as well as for increasing the blood and lymph flow. Lie on your back in front of the platform and place the hamstring muscles on the machine as shown in the picture. Keep the pelvis still, engage the core and relax, maintaining the position for 1 minute.

hamstring massage

4. Calf massage

To relieve the tension from the aching and tired calf muscles, lie on your back in front of the machine and place your calves on the platform, at equal distance. Keep the pelvis still, engage the core by drawing the belly button towards the spine and relax. Maintain the position for 1 minute.

calf massage

5. Quad massage

This position is ideal for easing the tired quads and stimulating circulation and the lymphatic drainage. Lie on your stomach in front of the machine and place the quads on the platform, keeping the pelvis still and engaging the core. Relax and maintain the position for 1 minute.

quad massage

6. Glutes massage

To release the tension from your glutes, sit on the platform with the core muscles engaged, and relax the legs. You can slightly squeeze the shoulder blades and place your hands on your thighs for better balance, if needed. Maintain the position for 1 minute.

gluteal massage

7. Lumbar massage

To release the tension from the lower back muscles, stand on the platform with your feet apart. Place your hands on the handles and keep the legs straight, so as to feel the vibration in the lower back. Activate the core by drawing the belly button toward the spine, and maintain the position for 1 minute.

lumbar massage

You can find other WBV exercises in this section. Or, if you’re interested in a personalized workout, comment below or join our Facebook community and let us know how we can help!

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