Chest and Back Exercises with Whole Body Vibration
The most effective exercises for the back and chest muscles are the ones that activate multiple muscle groups at once, and not isolation exercises, as the former contribute not only to increased strength but also to improved flexibility and balance.
In general, exercises that involve movement at more than one joint are more useful for building mass and free weights or workouts done with your body weight are better for gaining mass and for improving balance and posture that those performed with conventional gym machines.
However when it comes to whole body vibration exercises, even the simpler routines for the chest and back can become extremely challenging, as the energy waves sent by the platform force the muscles to contract and relax faster and require more control and stability.
Given below are some exercises that target the upper back and chest muscles. These should be performed 1-2 times per week if exercising at higher intensities, or 1-3 times per week if you use a lower frequency and amplitude.
1. Triceps dip
Place the palms on the platform at equal distance from the center, in a comfortable position. Your legs should be in front of the platform as shown in the picture. Drop the buttocks straight to the floor and bend at your elbows to lower the body and work the triceps.
Engage the core by drawing the belly button in, towards the spine. The back should remain straight and abdominals contracted. Don’t lean forward and keep the shoulders back and down to avoid injuries.
2. Plank
The plank is a challenging exercise, but a great choice for working the upper body and strengthening the back muscles, arms, shoulders, and abdominals. It also targets the buttocks and legs although these aren’t the main groups worked through this exercise.
To perform the movement, set the frequency to 8-1o Hz and place your forearms on the platform at an equal distance from the centre, rising onto your toes. Gently squeeze the shoulder blades together and activate the core muscles by drawing in your belly button. The shoulders, neck, and buttocks should be aligned.
Squeeze the glutes and keep the pelvis rigid. Maintain the position for 1 minute if you can, or for 30 seconds, then switch to the modified plank.
3. Preacher stretch
Kneel in front of the machine and place your arms on the platform. Drop the head in between your arms, looking down at the floor, and relax into this position.
You should feel the stretch through your shoulders, upper back muscles and arms. Maintain for 30 seconds.
4. Modified push-up
Less demanding than classical push-ups, although challenging enough even for the advanced ones, the modified push-up activates the chest and upper arm muscles. Set the frequency to 8-10 Hz and maintain the position for 1 minute.
Kneel in front of the machine and place your palms on the platform at a comfortable distance from the center. Slightly bend your elbows so that your chest moves towards the platform, and hold this position. Engage the core by drawing the belly button towards the spine, and keep the back straight and the pelvis rigid.
5. Modified plank
One of the best exercises for working your core muscles, the plank is also great for targeting the chest and upper arms. Set the frequency to 8-10 Hz and maintain the position for 30 seconds or longer if you can.
Kneel on the floor with your forearms on the platform at a comfortable distance from the tilting centre, and squeeze your shoulder blades together gently. Activate the core and keep the shoulders, neck, and back well aligned so that the pelvis doesn’t sag.
6. Shoulder blade retraction
Another exercise that targets the upper back muscles and shoulders is the shoulder blade retraction, which uses the stretch bands attached to the Hypervibe machine. Place your feet on the platform at a comfortable level and activate the core by drawing the belly button in. Squeeze the glutes gently and grip the bands with your hands, pulling back to squeeze the shoulder blades together.
Maintain the back straight, knees slightly bent and hips square for stability. You should feel that the upper back muscles are activated and that the vibration goes directly to the area between the shoulder blades.
For more WBV exercises for the upper body or other muscle groups, check our dedicated section.