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New Workout Twists – Forbes

Written by: Hypervibe Team, Published on: October 18, 2013

Forbes Article New Workout Twists was posted today on, it covers three trends in gyms:

  1. Gyms catering to people who need to lose a significant amount of weight
  2. Gyms that specialize in private, one-on-one training
  3. Gyms that feature a ballet-inspired workout
hotel gyms

img: Casa Velas Hotel; used under cc by-sa 2.0

These gyms are smart to specialize. As cut-rate, $10-a-month gyms take over the market, more and more people are becoming disenchanted with the cheap, impersonal gym experience and are turning to a more specialized, personal atmosphere.

When you look for a gym to call your home-away-from-home, consider where your priorities lie. If you are looking for a bargain, the impersonal big-box gyms may be right for you.

If you want a personalized approach that will cater to your specific fitness needs, you may want to find a small, specialty gym. You’ll pay more money for this membership, but you’ll reap the benefits.

When researching gyms, don’t forget to look for a studio featuring a quality whole body vibration machine and a staff that has been trained in its use. You’ll get a great workout in a fraction of the time you’d spend at a traditional gym.

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