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Why you should integrate WBV into your fitness facility

Written by: Hypervibe Team, Published on: June 11, 2016

Most of our articles are written with end users in mind, and discuss our products and their health and fitness benefits, but today we’d like to answer a question we received from a lovely lady who owns a fitness facility.

She was originally interested in buying a Hypervibe WBV machine for home use. However, after seeing our new vibration plate models – the G17 PRO and the G10 Mini, she asked if they’re suitable for a regular gym, and if we can help her integrate the Hypervibe platforms into her fitness facility, to give her business an advantage over competitors.

So this article is for you, and for all the fitness trainers out there who are thinking about adding vibration training to their clients’ routines, but don’t know where to start from.

Benefits of adding a vibration plate to your fitness facility

A whole body vibration machine is not something you would expect to see in a conventional fitness center where people go to lift weights for muscle building, or to train on a treadmill to lose weight. But it can be an extremely profitable addition, as it’s a one-time investment and a highly versatile piece of equipment that enables your clients to target multiple muscle groups at once, and make the most of their gym time.

A WBV session requires only 10-15 minutes, and you can add it as an extra offer to your regular fitness or cardio packages, or offer WBV membership packages for various purposes – active aging, circulation and lymphatic drainage enhancement, weight loss, muscle building, recovery and rehabilitation and so on. You can keep the price very low, around 10$ per session, and turn a vibration machine into a powerful sales tool for your fitness facility.

Celebrities use vibration training, athletes use it – why wouldn’t your clients want to give it a try? If you think they will be reluctant to this form of physical activity, you can even offer them a free demo. Or, your trainers could introduce clients to WBV by using the machine for recovery, post workout, and for warming up before a cardio or weight lifting session.

Adding a whole body vibration machine to your fitness facility can mean a more diverse clientele, as these devices can be used by people of all ages and fitness levels. So instead of selling memberships only to active adults who are already in good shape or who want to put on some lean mass or get fitter, you could also attract seniors who want to become more active, or adults who are recovering from injuries, or women who recently gave birth and don’t have plenty of time to exercise.

WBV can maximize the training effects and can be used for a variety of goals, from building stronger muscles and bones to improving flexibility and joint range of motion, or to improving the use of blood sugar and energy levels. It’s excellent for stimulating the removal of excess fluids from the body, for relieving feet swelling and muscle cramps, for relieving back pain and stretching the tired muscles, as well as for targeting the body areas that are harder to tone through conventional workouts.

Clients can control the intensity and duration of workouts via an easy to use and intuitive control panel, and they can choose to do dynamic exercises or to stand or sit on the machine, depending on their mood and purpose for each workout session.

Besides fine-tuning their bodies, clients can use a whole body vibration machine for training their heart, and for building power and endurance. These machines can be successfully integrated into circuit workouts, and can be used in combination with light weights or resistance bands.

Before starting a whole body vibration exercise program, clients should consult their physician, and they should work with a WBV expert at least for 2-3 sessions, to make sure they perform the exercises with proper form.

If you’re interested in adding a Hypervibe whole body vibration machine to your fitness facility, get in touch and we’ll find the most convenient solution for your studio!



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