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Human Growth Hormone: Benefits and Risks

Written by: Hypervibe Team, Published on: September 4, 2013

Human growth hormone, or HGH, is a huge topic in the area of professional sports, as the NFL and the NFLPA talk about testing players for the hormone.

It’s long been the buzz of celebrity-watchers, who insist that most of Hollywood uses HGH to stay forever  young.

And in today’s youth-obsessed culture, many everyday, non-famous people are taking HGH to help them feel younger, have more energy, and look better.

But should you?

It can be tempting to want a quick fix—a magic pill to instantly look like the hero from your favorite summer blockbuster movie.

But before you shell out the $10,000 a year of HGH can cost, consider whether there might be an alternative to achieving all the benefits of HGH hormone therapy with none of the side effects.

HGH debate

img: rhobinn, used under cc by-sa 2.0

The Wonders of HGH

Our bodies naturally produce human growth hormone, as suggested by the name. But production decreases as we age, and that decrease in production is responsible for many of the signs we associate with aging—less muscle, more fat, more wrinkles, duller skin.

Contrast those effects of aging with the benefits associated with injections of human growth hormone:

  • Increased bone density
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Decreased body fat
  • Increased exercise capacity

That’s a pretty attractive list, particularly in today’s culture of instant gratification.

The Dangers of HGH

Synthetic HGH is available by prescription only. It’s used to treat people who don’t make enough of the hormone on their own.

“If a little is great, and a lot is better, then way too much is just about right!” Mae West

Unfortunately for people looking to reap the benefits of prescription HGH who already make enough on their own, supplementing with this hormone has significant negative side effects.

According to WebMD, human growth hormone may cause a number of side effects for healthy adults, including:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

    X Ray Duck

    Those bones look pretty strong. img: jdsmith1021 used under cc by-sa 2.0

  • Swelling in the arms and legs
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • For men, enlargement of breast tissue (gynecomastia)

Human growth hormone may also contribute to conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.


A Better Way

Don’t get discouraged, youth-seekers.

There is a way to reap all the benefits you’re looking for without the negative side effects of HGH.

Whole body vibration, or WBV, is a method of exercise used for decades by Russian cosmonauts to recover muscle and bone density lost in the microgravity environment of space. Celebrities, musicians, professional athletes, physical therapists, health coaches, Olympians, and many other people use whole body vibration to feel younger and more vibrant.

Benefits of whole body vibration include:

  • Better circulation
  • Better balance and flexibility
  • Increased bone density
  • More muscle strength and power
  • Decreased body fat


If those last three benefits sound familiar, it’s because they closely mirror those of HGH.

Better yet, whole body vibration users commonly report relief of joint and muscle pain, and swelling of limbs, two of the risks associated with HGH treatment.

See our infographic for even more benefits of whole body vibration.

So between HGH and WBV, which would you rather try?

You only get one body, so leave the trendy, risky methods to the tabloid headlines. Take charge of your health and start feeling better with whole body vibration.

What are your thoughts on taking HGH? Have you tried WBV? Let us know what you think in the comments.



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