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Benefits and challenges of TRX workouts

Written by: Hypervibe Team, Published on: March 4, 2015

TRX workouts are bodyweight exercises that use ropes or suspension straps for strengthening the body and increasing flexibility and balance. Although contraindicated to some people, such as those with back problems, herniated discs, sciatica or knee problems, TRX or suspension exercises are an enjoyable way to shape your body and burn some calories while encouraging muscle growth.

The suspension cords that hang from the ceiling of gyms don’t look like classical fitness equipment, but they can work your body just as efficiently as regular bodyweight or machine exercises, as they engage multiple muscle groups and joints at once. The compound TRX exercises can be used for targeting different body areas, from the chest and shoulders to core muscles and legs.

Given that TRX training will remain one of the hottest fitness trends this year, it’s worth giving this form of exercise a try, even if you’re only doing it for fun. And if you enjoy it and stick with suspension workouts, you’ll see that your body will soon start to change and your strength, flexibility and body composition will begin to improve. That’s because suspension movements are excellent full-body exercises that require more coordination and muscle power than it may seem at first sight.

Although it’s easier to do these exercises at the gym, you can also get some suspension cords for home and create your personalized training plan, based on your fitness goals. There are so many benefits associated with TRX workouts that these should definitely be considered as an alternative for conventional strength exercises.

Positive effects of suspension training on your body

TRX exercises are suitable for all fitness levels, as the difficulty of these movements depends on your position. But regardless of the exercise you do, suspension training is beneficial for your body, as it unloads the joints and activates the core muscles, improving your mobility, strengthening the muscles and stabilizing the joints. The result is a stronger body, improved posture, better flexibility and more muscle definition.

By improving flexibility, TRX exercises increase your joints’ range of motion and allow you to perform daily movements in a pain-free manner, so people with painful joints or arthritis can use such workouts for relieving the symptoms, warming up the joints and improving their lubrication. Suspension exercises don’t place unnecessary stress on joints, as often happens with other forms of strength training, so they’re safe even for people who have weaker muscles, stiffer joints or an overall lower fitness level.

TRX movements are excellent for strengthening the back and abdominal muscles, so whether you’re looking to improve your posture, prevent spine deformities or shape a flat abdomen or a nice six pack, suspension exercises can help. They engage the core with every single movement and you can combine the unilateral and bilateral exercises and pushing and pulling movements to activate more muscles at the same time.

The fact that the core is always engaged is one of the challenges of this form of training, as practicing the exercises with proper form may require some practice. Not paying attention to form may result in injuries and may compromise the effort. When done correctly though, TRX workouts can burn a lot of calories, working your muscles and heart at the same time and increasing the metabolic rate.

This means that TRX exercises can support weight loss, increase your energy levels and boost your mood, so whether you’re looking to relax and release the tension after a hard day at work, or to work your body through a fun but challenging workout, TRX exercises are always a good idea.

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