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5 Secrets to Feeling Young This Summer

Written by: Hypervibe Team, Published on: June 18, 2013

Summer is nearly upon us. Depending on where you live, you may be feeling the heat already. Recapture the way you used to enjoy summer with our easy tips.

Be spontaneous.

Spontaneity doesn’t always fit in well with a grown-up lifestyle. We have schedules, deadlines, responsibilities we need to meet. Plans must be kept, lists must be made, appointments must be kept.

water park slides

This summer, take a time out, throw your schedule out the window, and run off on an adventure like you did when you were a teenager. Hop in the car and drive.

For some of us, this is a scary prospect. Take away our structure and we might feel slightly panicky. If that’s how you feel about being spontaneous, feel free to plan your spontaneity a little. It sounds counterintuitive, but keeping a list of ideas, like hitting the beach or taking a friend for a surprise brunch, can be handy for those of us who need a little help with impromptu getaways.

Be Silly.

When was the last time you laughed out loud at a joke, or told a joke yourself? Danced to the radio? Made a funny face? Look for opportunities to laugh and make others laugh.

Try reliving childhood memories:

  • Go to the zoo
  • Play mini golf
  • Go dancing
  • See a movie
  • Go to the carnival
  • Get your face painted

We can get so wrapped up in everyday life that we neglect the things that used to bring us joy. Take some time to rediscover those things, even if they make you feel a little less than dignified.

Do something you love.

When you were young, you probably spent more time seeking out fun new things to do than you do now. As adults our days can start to feel like work-dinner-sleep-work-dinner-sleep. Maybe it’s been a while since you worked on a hobby you used to enjoy or discovered a new one.

This summer, carve out some time to find a hobby you love. You may look for something you can do with other people, like join a knitting circle or a running group, or you may prefer something more solitary. The important thing is that your hobby is something you enjoy and feel stimulated by. This stimulation keeps your brain working at peak condition.

Eat well and stay hydrated.

How we nourish ourselves determines much about how we age. To keep creakiness and mental fog at bay, keep a water bottle on hand at all times and do your best to get plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. We don’t know a food that brings back childhood memories of summer like eating fresh-cut watermelon outside in the sun!

hydrate with a glass of water

A current trend in hydration is adding different fruits and even vegetables to water. The variety of flavors helps ensure you keep refreshing yourself all day. Some additions to try:

  • Cucumber melon
  • Cherry lime
  • Watermelon lime
  • Peach
  • Strawberry kiwi
  • Lemon blueberry
  • Green tea, mint, and lime
  • Lemon lime orange

Move often.

Pickup baseball games, tag with the neighborhood kids, running after the ice cream truck: childhood for most of us was full of activity. Recover a little of that spirit and do your body some good by getting outside for some exercise.

Exercise releases endorphins, and endorphins make you feel good and help relieve the perception of pain.

If mobility is an issue, consider exercising with a whole body vibration machine. This method allows you to exercise with a series of simple moves performed on a vibrating platform. You receive all the benefits of a full workout without overexertion or stress on your joints.

There’s plenty of time to be an adult and do adult things, but we don’t have to neglect our youthful spirit. This summer, reconnect with that part of yourself that yearns to feel good and have fun!

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